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Purpose of goal 2: 

  • To provide both boys and girls in developing countries with accessing to primary schooling.

  • This would improve literacy and numeracy skills.

  • This would offer opportunities to gain skills and knowledge to engage in health-promoting behaviours.

Reasons of the goal 2 have been included:

  • It can lead to greater employment prospect, thereby increasing levels of income.

  • Boys and girls from developing countries are struggling with accessing education due to lack of income.

Reasons of goal 2 that is importance achieving global health and sustainable human development:

  • It would benefit young people ensure education so they can get a job in the long term future.

  • It would improve standard of living, develop to their full potential and lead productive live according to their interest greatly improved.

  • Higher literacy rates in developing countries correspond with economic growth therefore increasing the capacity of countries to assist those in needs

Main Targets areas:

  • Target 1: Ensure that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling


Area, which are mostly affected or who would most likely benefit:

  • Sub-Saharan Africa would be mostly affected due to 58% of school age children in primary education in 1999. That was the least compared with other countries. But it has improved by 18 in 2007. They most likely to be benefit.



How to improve health and promote human development:


Physical Health:

  • Having the knowledge about diseases, injury, and body weight so they would benefit in the long term to avoid it.

Social Health:

  • They can have supportive network of their friends.

  • Also relationship with friends and family

Mental health:

  • Positive Self- esteem about themselves

  • High level of confidence

  • Low level of stress and anxiety.

Human Development:

  • Getting a decent education can lead to jobs.

  • They can a decent standard living.

  • Also having better decision making in the long term.

MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education

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