Least developed countries through the provision of official development assistance (ODA) referred to as aid.
In order to make it work, the rules of trade must enable the least developed countries to competitively trade their goods on the global market.
It mainly focuses on provision of affordable medications and increasing access to information.
Reasons of the goal 8 have been included:
It would assist developing countries from developed countries in improving their economies to make it better for people needs.
It reduces mortality and morbidity rate in developing countries
It has provision of medicines enables developing countries to treat illnesses, and technologies to assist medical information.
Main Targets areas:
Target 1: Address the special needs of the least developed countries, land –locked countries and small island developing states
Address the special needs of the developing countries requires a commitment from developed countries.
It provides more development assistance to reduce poverty.
Target 2: Develop further an open, rule based, predictable, non- discriminatory trading and financial system
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries.
It is driven by different production costs in different countries.
It is cheaper for some countries to import goods rather than making them.
It sells goods from developing countries to another countries which require to pay duties, taxes and customs to the government
As a result the profit from developing countries would make their goods reduce.
Target 3: Deal comprehensively with developing countries’ debt
During the 1970’s, government and banks in developed countries lent money to developing countries.
The money was lent at lowest interest rates; however, over the next decade, interest rates rose substantially.
The cost of servicing debts means that area such as education, water and sanitation, and health do not receive government funding.
Target 4: In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries.
Many deaths in developing countries occur as a result of lack of essential drugs and treatment to fight disease such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
340 essential medicines for the treatment of priority conditions.
This is also intended to be available within health care systems at all times at price that individuals and the community can afford.
The medicine can have high prices in most developing countries which affect poor people to pay it.
Target 5: In cooperation with the private sector, make available benefit of new technologies, especially information and communication.
All Technologies is design to access, process and transmit information from radios, telephones and television to mobile phones, computers and internet.
It will enable the developing world to move towards the goals set for health, education, employment and poverty reduction.
Accessing internet would be beneficial for people to get information which is more productive with regards to business, thereby increasing incomes and improving their health status.
An increase income means individuals and families are able to access health care, nutritious foods, and clean water and sanitation.
How to improve health and promote human development:
Physical health:
It adequate energy levels
Ability to complete physical tasks adequately
It prevents illness and injury
Social health:
It interacts with other people
Productive relationships with other people
Supportive network of friends
Mental health:
High self esteem
Low stress levels
High level of confidence
Human Development:
It would improve decision making during global partnership in the long term
They would have decent education and standard of living which would improve socioeconomic status.
Improving incomes and economies
Improving medication and treatment to able to fulfil their lives
Area, which are mostly affected or who would most likely benefit:
Korea would be most affected due to percentage of 0.10 in gross national income in 2009. It hasn’t reach UN target and Average country effort compare with other countries. Therefore Korea would most likely be beneficial to use this goal.
MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

FIGURE: Net ODA as a percentage of gross national income (GNI), 2009
Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2010.